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3ds MAX Annimation

Monday, December 10, 2007

A new month, new software to play with!

Well a new month has begun well were into it now. There’s only 15 days till Xmas (for those of you who are counting.)
Well at the moment I’m playing with yet another piece of new software. This time its nothing to do with music creation it is a 3D modelling program called 3ds MAX. I’ve got the 2008 version.

Its proving quite fun to play with and I have been following some tutorials that I have found on the web. So far I have made a chess set and a plane. That doesn’t sound like much I know, but it takes a lot of time if you aren’t used to using it. Eventually I hope to get to the standard of making mods (What is a mod) for games. Particularly for the PC version of Bethesda Game Studios Oblivion.

These mods will add in new weapons and armour and even new features to the game. So it is good because it makes it possible to play the game for longer without getting bored.

Any way enough about mods and back to 3ds Max. The program is very good i think worth the money. (For a free 30 day trial click here).

There are other programs that do the same job but i feel they are harder to use. Programs such as blender are free. (Get blender here) but the interface seems a more difficult to get the hang of.

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Well don't know what else to write at the moment so when I think of something else slightly interesting I'll post again.